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Выгодные поставки импортного цемента в россию. :: Строительная доска объявлений

Выгодные поставки импортного цемента в россию.

Уважаемые, Господа!
Компания - поставщик имеет реальную возможность поставить портландцемент марок 32,5 N/R, 42,5 N/R и 52,5N/R в биг-бэг от 0,5-2тн, и мешках от 20-50 кг. Доставка только на CIF, ASWP,
С-Петербург, Новороссийск, Калининград...... при минимальной поставке - 12.500тн. в месяц.
Условия оплаты - Аккредитив. E-mail : n_nikman@fromru.com
Теl: (по-русски) + (49) 520 - 572 - 91 - 20 Моb: (по-русски) + (49) 157 - 726 - 33 - 888
С уважением, Николай Манаков.

Prices are valid through 30 July 2008.
QUNTITY 32.5 N/R 42.5 N/R 52,5N/R  CLINKER
150,000 ........82$ ........84$ .......94$ ...........79$
300,000 ........78$ ........80$ .......90$ ...........75$
600,000 ........74$ ........76$ .......86$ ...........71$
1,200,000 ........71$ ........73$ .......83$ ...........68$
2,400,000 ........69$ ........71$ .......81$ ...........66$

United States Standard ASTM C 150, British Standard BS 12/1996,
European Standard EN–197-1/2000, SABS Standard (SANS 50197-1 / SABS EN 197-1),
GOST and BIS certification by reguest.
NOTE:  Prices above are for reference purposes only and can fluctuate.  The correct price will be issued on the FCO and will be dependent upon the client and the financial payment instrument.
Company currently purchases product from 15 separate production facilities and global allocation holders. Buyer needs are matched to current supply and demand statistics globally. Buyers can specify country of origin if required though this may restrict “best price”.
The origin of the COMMODITY will be from India, Egypt, Brazil, Indonesia, Ukraine, Russia, China, CIS Countries or at Sellers Option.
Preliminary procedures:
1. Buyer sends LOI/ICPO.
2. Supplier sends Soft Offer.
3. Buyer signs Soft Offer (on each page) and returns to Supplier within time period set on Soft Offer.
4. Supplier issues Full Corporate Offer (FCO).
5. Buyer signs FCO (on each page) and returns to Supplier with Bank Endorsement.
6. Seller issues Draft Contract via Supplier.
The Buyer duly completes, signs and seals each page, and completes the Banking details on the last page.
If the Buyer’s Bank is not a Top 100 Bank, then the Confirming Bank details would need to be provided as well and before returning the document to us.


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